How to Advertise Your Redondo Beach Rental Property Successfully

To be a successful landlord, you must have great marketing and advertising skills. You may have the most desirable rental property with the best amenities and the right location. However, if no one knows about it, it may not yield any rental income for you.

As a savvy landlord, you should have a robust marketing strategy for your Redondo Beach property. This will ensure you attract as many prospective tenants to your property as possible. As a result, this can help you maximize the chances of landing a dream tenant.

A dream tenant is just that – the perfect tenant. One who pays rent on time, cares for their rented premises, notifies the landlord of issues on time, and follows the terms of the lease diligently.

The following are proven tips to help you advertise your Redondo Beach rental property successfully.

1. Take Great Photos

You’ve likely heard the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This couldn’t be more true when comparing rental listings with photos to those without. Listings featuring high-quality images attract far more attention from prospective tenants.

The following is a guide on how to take great photos for your rental listing.

Stage the Property

In other words, make it look stunning. Give it a professional clean. Take out all trash and debris. Make necessary repairs. Get rid of any cleaning supplies on the counters. Dust off the ceiling fans. Spruce up the curb appeal. Do everything you can to make your Redondo Beach property stand out.

Your goal here is to make a prospective tenant connect with the home emotionally by helping them envision themselves living there.

Improve the Lighting

Lighting plays a big role when it comes to the quality of photos taken. Specifically, it affects a picture’s exposure, color, as well as mood, and atmosphere.

Ideally, plan to take the photos during the day. 8 AM is the perfect time of the day for outdoor photography. For indoor photography, shoot at dusk or dawn.

Choose the Broadest Perspective

After staging the house and getting the lighting right, make sure to take the photos while in a corner of a room. This offers the best vantage point.

Try to capture a maximum of two walls during the shoot. If you go for 3 walls instead of 2, photos may appear to have closed walls. 

Have a Shot List

Before the day of the shoot, make sure you have a list of areas in which you’d like to shoot. This can help you keep organized by eliminating potential distractions.

Areas to include in your shot list should include bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, appliances, dining areas, living room, and outdoor spaces.

And while anyone can take photos, not everyone can be a photographer. As such, consider hiring expert help as your DIY skills may not offer you the desired results.

2. Write a Proper Rental Ad

Taking great photos alone isn’t enough to “sell” a rental house to prospective tenants. You will also want to match those photos with an interesting and engaging description.

Person typing on a laptop

The rental ad is what will tie everything together. A proper rental ad breaks into several sections, mainly the headline and the summary.

Rental Ad Headline

The headline is going to be the first thing that prospective tenants will see when they click on your listing. Make sure it contains all the important information necessary to grab a potential tenant’s attention. 

It should contain information about things like the rental price, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, location, property type, and a desirable feature.

Here is an example: Redondo Beach 2BR/1BA Apartment with Ocean Views – $2,500/month.

Rental Ad Summary 

The other important section in a rental ad is where you get to describe your Redondo Beach property’s features. Use this opportunity to finish telling the story about what living on the property would feel like.

The following are some important things to cover in this section.

Amenities: Tell prospective tenants what amenities they should expect if they choose to live there. Use the right adjectives for description.

Restrictions: Do you, for instance, allow pets into the rental property? If so, let prospective tenants know of any restrictions you may have, such as, on the breed, number, and size of the pets allowed.

Utilities: Let tenants know what utilities are included.

Other things you may want potential tenants to know about include parking spaces and public transportation access.

3. Syndicate the rental listing

A stunning listing alone isn’t enough when it comes to rental advertising. You must also have a good syndication strategy to ensure maximum exposure.

The goal here should be to reach as many prospective tenants as possible. Go for both online and offline platforms. 

Next, keep monitoring the performance of your advertising strategy in terms of the leads you’re getting. If the number of leads isn’t impressive, consider bumping up your online listing with some extra money. This can be especially critical in competitive markets.

Bottom Line

Having a great rental isn’t enough. You also need to have a robust marketing strategy to successfully rent out your property to the best tenant. With a little bit of luck, these tips should help you do just that.

Do you need help advertising your Redondo Beach rental property? If so, look no further than Rising Tide Property Management. Our team of experts can help maximize the value of your rental portfolio in the South Bay and Long Beach area. Get in touch to get started today!